Saturday, January 7, 2012

Lets meet again

“I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,

dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix,”
                                                                                                           -Allen Ginsberg (“Howl”)
One by one I saw them go ... Lost beyond repair engulfed in their personal solitudes
in a billion geographies – Unkempt and left to die amidst foreign codes and tongues.
They wanted to create a world that is easy to understand
and where storms shut windows open and tongues wag out for the sake of drying,
they carry on scribbling words advertising their obituaries.
It is funny the way their world swapped form and shape :
With thousand unmindful dictations and bogus intents –
till their shadow discolored and cannot be identified any longer.

The streets race against each other –not crossing for once!

He looks out from the window that is familiar,
To bid adieu to a sea unfamiliar and faces strange and provoking.
‘Never mind’ thought he, ‘the sea was never domestic!’
From deep within all the woes piercing out of his unshaven face:
he sees clear the photographs of the age begone.
And music that doesn’t sync any longer-
Keeps reminding him of faces he dared not appreciate beyond friendliness.
It would need no satanic urge to make him persist forward undeterred
where minds are pinned and clipped to the floor.
Bitan lives on waiting for funny lips to break into strange smiles.

The streets race against each other –not crossing for once!

From Calcutta to Bangalore all clouds that float
speeding to and fro , urged by winds and dope-
to catch some flies and some insane impulsive snapshots
kept aside to forgive the memory that forgets with ease.
Nauseating ego pulverized by momentary lapses :
catch hold of him unprepared and naked
to make him regret, the roads that go on without him!
“such roads never mattered to me …till they were gone”
Forever a prey of a never-ending ploy:

The streets race against each other –not crossing for once!

Suffocated to the core and drunk to madness-
Dibyodeep traces back home through complicated sinusoids.
Breaking the doors of madhouses all maniacs on the road
shadow him to his sacred insanity!
I will wait for all cars to speed on you- Dibyodeep,
I will wait for all dogs to wag you back home.
I will wait drunk and stupored in a fantasized Eden,
Till lights go off and my madness overtakes yours –
I will wait for you to come back home- Dibyodeep!

The streets race against each other –not crossing for once!

‘Never mind’ said he, ‘I never wanted to clear it all’
Dusted and left alone to dust out pangs of Park street woes and Jeerat fetishes,
Supratim bangs hard to words that peculiarly make sense of late.
Oh forgive him for all that is gone and tired in live-wires seeking peace,
a world is unfolding somewhere and some window keeps reminding
of confessions made of bad investments in form of pricey jewels
and misunderstandings. Forgive him for all meshes of wires gone wrong
‘cause he dreamed insane!

The streets race against each other –not crossing for once!

When Satpati asked the world to remember songs he cried for,
there were omens floating and distrusting faces
and toy guns fired to remind him of the suit he sported.
Too bad Satpati , the world rolls on beyond music and battered relationships.
Too bad Satpati , too much of commercial buzz in your Mumbai
Too many fake orgasms and roads battered with semen:
from men who make policies and adulterated children!

The streets race against each other –not crossing for once!

The sea was never his domestic-
And he was caught unprepared and naked,
too drunk to come home that night
but insanely banging hard to peculiar words making sense
in a land of fake orgasms and droplets of adulterated children!

The streets race against each other –not crossing for once!

We will meet again underneath floodlit Milan Samity
Smoking cigarettes and swallowing bitter tea
We will meet again to relive the minds we lost
and faces that matured to become unfamiliar.
We will meet again fired by evening glow
We will meet again  to follow silhouettes
that drove us out of home!
We will meet again  when Jaideep will talk us
through new devices and trends…
We will meet again to face Sayan’s expert photographic eye…
Undeterred by a life that spilled us apart:
when streets that race each other, bang hard.


Dibyadeep Chatterjee said...

a detailed analysis report....would be better in OAC!!

Samyamoy Acharya Choudhuri said...

"What's your road, man?--holyboy road, madman road, rainbow road, guppy road, any road. It's an anywhere road for anybody anyhow."
- Jack Kerouac

Abhishek Satpati said...

Amen to the last paragraph.

Calls for a peg of rum. Cheers!